More to know about Grand Junction, CO – contact Paul Aspelin with The Christi Reece Group. Residential Real Estate For Sale. Text/Call 612-306-9558. Move to Grand Junction, CO

What it’s like to live on the Grand Mesa in Colorado

I have visited the Grand Mesa multiple times, hopefully you have too. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live on the Grand Mesa? Is there fast internet? How much snow do they really get? What’s there to do up there year-round?

Grand Mesa in September near Mesa Lakes Lodge

Let’s start with some Grand Mesa quick facts

Colorado’s Grand Mesa is the world’s largest flat-top mountain with over 300 lakes in about 500 square miles. Most of “the Mesa” is about 10,000 ft above sea level. Powderhorn Mountain Resort offers over 1,600 acres of year-round diverse terrain for all levels of abilities. There are lush forests of aspen and evergreen trees and beautiful wildflowers. There are numerous resorts offering tons of activities for every season.

Sounds great, right? But what’s it like to live on the Grand Mesa? Here’s some extra information about the area and some FAQs answered by locals to give you a feel for the area to help decide if you’d like to live on the Mesa.

Driving on the Grand Mesa

There’s one main road that crosses the Mesa, Hwy 65, also known as the Grand Mesa Scenic Byway. Yes, it’s scenic! From Grand Junction, head East on I-70. Take the exit for Hwy 65 to head south. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the town of Mesa, CO and 45 minutes to get to Powderhorn. Get your Google maps set up before you leave Grand Junction because you may not get a cell signal on the Mesa.

Continue on Hwy 65 and you’ll reach the town of Cedaredge, then Delta, and you can circle back up Hwy 50 to Grand Junction. Or…

If you want a “local experience” add a stop at the Lands End Observatory to your itinerary. After you see the spectacular overlook of the Grand Valley consider this.  If your vehicle is less than 35 feet and you are not towing a trailer, head down Forest Road 100, a scenic gravel road with numerous switchbacks. Also known as Lands End Road. It will come out in Whitewater. Be aware that the narrow road is a two-way road and passing can be tight in spots. I recommend driving down, not up. Be sure you know how to downshift your vehicle so you don’t rely on your brakes the whole way down.

live on the Grand Mesa, drive Lands End Road

I took this picture from the top of the Grand Mesa looking down the Lands End Road into Whitewater. Oh the switchbacks!


How much snow does the Grand Mesa get annually?

Downhill skiing, Nordic (cross-country) skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, ice fishing and other winter sports and recreational activities are popular on the Mesa. Powderhorn Mountain Resort reports this on their website, “The mountain annually receives over 250 inches of light powder snow across a range of groomed runs, aspen & pine glades, and volcanic boulder fields, perfect for skiers and riders of all skill levels.”  The Grand Mesa Lodge explains it this way on their website, “With an average annual snowfall of 420 inches (35 feet) the Grand Mesa has epic snow for your adventures. Explore hundreds of miles of trails right from your doorstep or join us for a guided snowmobile ride.”

So, let’s just say the Mesa gets a lot of snow. As a resident, you can rely on Mesa County to plow the primary roads. If you live on the outskirts of Mesa, CO, there may be some roads that require private snow removal contracts beyond clearing snow from your driveway.

Can you get fast home Internet on the Grand Mesa?

Of course! Satellite Internet services like Starlink work great all-around remote Colorado. Some residents take their Internet with them when they road trip away from home.

Can I have a garden?

Yes! The growing season in Colorado can vary from 30 to 150 days, depending on the average last killing frost in the spring and the first killing frost in the fall. On the Mesa, the frost season ends in late April and doesn’t start again until the end of October. Because of wildlife in the area, be sure to enclose your garden with a fence 6’ or higher.

Driving down from the Mesa near I-70

How does wildlife impact living on the Grand Mesa?

You’ll want to keep your garbage in bear-proof containers. Make sure the paths around your home are well-lit at night. Keep your gutters clean. Typical home ownership responsibilities apply here too. Be cautious driving at night. And even driving during the day as you may come across big horn sheep along the side of the road, especially along the creek right as you get onto the Grand Mesa Scenic Byway from I-70.

Over 400 moose roam the Mesa along with tons of mule deer. Here’s what the website has to say about the moose. “When you’re hiking through the woods on top of the world’s largest flat-top mountain, the Grand Mesa National Forest, listen carefully for snapping branches in the distance. Keep your eyes peeled for lumbering beasts moving amongst the trees. The dense pine forests and aspen groves, combined with hundreds of miles of streams and the wetlands from over 300 lakes, make this mountain an ideal home for moose.”

What about Fire Protection Services?

Your homeowner’s insurance rate will depend on how close you are to a fire department so do your research. Here’s a link about our wonderful Mesa County Fire Authority who services the Grand Mesa National Forest area. And here’s the link to the fabulous Plateau Valley Fire Department covering 700 square miles in Mesa County including the areas of Collbran, Georgia Mesa, Grove Creek, Jerry Gulch, Maigatter Knob, Mesa, Molina, Plateau City, Plateau Creek State Wildlife Area, Powderhorn & Round Mountain. If you need a reputable insurance agent that does a great job for rural homeowner’s, give me a call.

What public schools would my child attend?

Mesa County provides a detailed county public school boundary map that allows you to easily review all of the school boundaries. You can enter a specific address to determine which school children will attend. Keep in mind, boundaries are subject to change due to housing growth and population changes. The southern part of the Grand Mesa, Cedaredge for example, is in Delta County so you’ll want to check the Delta County School District website. Plus, there are alternative schools, charter schools and private schools to consider.

Top Day Trips from Grand Junction, Colorado

Snowshoeing on the Mesa near Mesa Lakes Lodge

What is there to do when living on the Grand Mesa?

First and foremost, the people I work with move to the Grand Mesa for the beauty, the views, the solitude and the access to outdoor activities. You will enjoy hiking, biking, downhill skiing at Powderhorn, world-class cross-country ski trails, big game hunting, snowmobiling, fishing (summer and winter) or kayaking the 300 lakes is just a start. You’ll never come up short of ideas to take it all in. With its proximity to Grand Junction, Palisade, and Fruita you are just a short drive into the city with all the conveniences you could ever need. There are not many places in the world where you can enjoy a morning of ice fishing then take part in a round of golf in the afternoon with a short drive into the Grand Valley. Living on the Grand Mesa truly has everything you could ever dream of when considering rural living.

Read how my past clients have described the type of service I offer my clients, all of my clients, every time! Paul Aspelin Reviews and Recommendations.

Fall on the Grand Mesa

Fall on the Grand Mesa

Learn more about the area by reading my Top Day Trips from Grand Junction.

Connect with me on LinkedIn or send me an email.

Text/Call 612-306-9558


Grand Junction Real Estate Expert
Learn more about my experience and how I serve my clients

© 2024 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR®. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.

I-70 Colorado: What it’s really like driving I-70 from Denver to Grand Junction CO

Whether you are an experienced driver or not, driving the I-70 Colorado stretch over the Rocky Mountains has some additional considerations to be aware of and plan for.  I want to share some of my experiences with you so you will be more prepared than we were that first time. I must say, following advice from the locals regarding driving I-70 Colorado is extremely important. It’s a stunning drive but it has its ups and downs too, pun intended! I want you to be safe, proactive, and enjoy the drive.

Driving I-70 Colorado from Denver to Grand Junction CO

The “crash” indicated on the digital sign was actually snow on the interstate caused by the avalanche near Vail Pass. That’s our Toyota Tacoma we are following!

#1 I-70 Colorado isn’t always open to traffic in one or both directions

I-70 Colorado playing Monopoly during traffic jam

Unexpected boulder crashed into a semi truck on I-70 means it’s time for a game of Monopoly!

The main thing to know is that I-70 is unpredictable. I have been detoured multiple times over the years and that can add hours to your commute. You can’t simply exit the interstate, drive along a frontage road, then hop back on at the next exit. It is nothing like driving interstates around the country. I-70 is unique.

I have had to detour because of

  • The 2020 Grizzly Creek forest fire near Glenwood Springs that burned over 32,000 acres resulting in a 13-day closure of the interstate.
  • The July 2021 mudslide in Glenwood Canyon the following spring due to the forest fire. That closed I-70 for about two weeks. The detour was Grand Junction to Steamboat Springs then to Denver, yikes!
  • And in December 2022 there was an avalanche near Vail that was triggered by a backcountry skier. Luckily this time we detoured around Vail pass via Leadville, but it added several hours to our drive. It closed several more times for avalanche mitigation that season.

I had friends stuck in their vehicle on I-70 because a boulder crashed into a semi-truck, unable to exit, and they played a full game of monopoly during the wait. Car fires happen more frequently than where we used to live and so the interstate gets shut down for those too. And then there are vehicle accidents that shut it down as well. You can also imagine the role weather plays, but especially during the winter months. In winter you need 4-wheel drive or chains for your car in order to go over the passes on I-70. That’s the law.

Advice for driving I-70 through Colorado

driving I-70 Colorado from Denver to Grand Junction CO smoke from car fire

Smoke from a car fire while driving I-70 from Grand Junction to see a client on the Grand Mesa.

Be proactive when you make plans. Do not rely on it being open. If you want to fly into Denver and drive to Grand Junction CO, check the news and Google maps first. And if you are driving from Grand Junction to catch a flight out of the Denver airport, drive to Denver the night before your flight, not the day of. Give yourself a buffer in case there is a delay.

Download the Colorado Road Conditions app called CO Traveler. This app will help you with traffic expectations and there is a layer you can apply to the app for weather conditions. You can see if the roads are dry, wet, icy or snow covered.

Cell service is spotty. Keep track of your progress as you drive and update the travel app or Google maps. You most likely will lose cell service in the Glenwood Canyon as you stare up at the 100’ walls that surround you.

Know how to downshift your vehicle. If you are renting a car in Denver, DO NOT leave the rental car parking lot until you know how to downshift the vehicle you rented. Look up downshifting videos on YouTube prior to your trip if you have never driven on roads with 5-10% grades. You do NOT want to rely on your car brakes as they can get too hot and fail.

Leave with a full tank of gas or a full charge on your electric vehicle. If you get stuck on the interstate and cannot exit, you may use a lot of gas/range to idle your vehicle if you need the AC or heater. And if it’s wet, make sure you have plenty of windshield washer fluid too.

How to make the I-70 drive through Colorado more comfortable

I-70 Colorado be prepared with water bottles

Our YETI Stainless Steel Reusable Water Bottles are also dishwasher safe. We haven’t added the stickers to them like most people LOL.

Drink plenty of water. Being at a higher elevation can take a toll on your body. Especially if you fly to the Denver airport and are driving to Grand Junction all in the same day. You get dehydrated faster at higher elevations even if you are not exerting yourself. Drink water or choose something with electrolytes like Gatorade, Propel, or purchase electrolyte powders to add to your drinks. Avoid tea, coffee and pop. Or, if you drink those, offset it with an equal or greater amount of water.

Invest in a good stainless-steel water bottle you can refill frequently. People in Colorado carry their water bottles everywhere. Good hydration is important and having your own bottle makes it very easy and keeps plastic bottles out of the environment.

We found that taking Vitamin C can be helpful to avoid altitude sickness. Start to take a Vitamin C supplement a day or two before your trip to Colorado. Check with your physician first, and your pediatrician for your children, on how to feel comfortable in higher elevations. Read my post called How to Avoid Altitude Sickness for more advice.

Take your time. Stop frequently at the numerous rest stops along the way. Get out and walk around. You’ll probably need to use the bathroom anyway, so plan on extra stops. Rest stops are typically a great source of materials about the area and fun local and historic information to look at.

Bring snacks. Whenever you are driving for over 2 hours, always pack snacks. Bring something salty to help your body absorb the extra water you are drinking. Nuts and trail mix make a good snack.

You might want a small cooler for your drinks and any chocolate you bring because it may melt in the car and that would be horrible. The sun is HOT here because we are closer to it. Read my post about Grand Junction Weather.

Take turns if you are driving with others. Allow the primary driver a chance to rest and look at the scenery too. Switch off driving every couple of hours.

What it’s really like to drive I-70 through Colorado

As you head West from Denver to Grand Junction, you leave the city and the interstate turns into a very long, slow climb that will be difficult on your vehicle. Your car or truck may need to use all the energy it has to climb this part of the Rocky Mountains. When I drove our Toyota Rav4, towing an 8-foot U-Haul, I had it floored and our max speed was 40 miles per hour, no joke! When you see it start to incline, make sure you are driving at least the speed limit because it’s difficult to speed up once you start uphill. Now, if you have an 8-cylinder truck, you probably won’t have issues, but you will be burning through a lot of gas too!

 I-70 Colorado Rocky Mountains from Denver to Grand Junction CO wide load

We had to follow this wide load for miles before there was enough of a shoulder for his oversized load and we could pass.

Absolutely stay in the right lane unless you are passing. It is the law in Colorado. Pay attention to the trucks as they go abnormally slow up the steep inclines. Vehicles driving slower than the speed limit generally have their hazard lights on full time. Be patient as you will get stuck behind a slow-moving truck or car at some point and the traffic in the left lane will be speeding by. It’s difficult to pass sometimes, so just wait until you have plenty of space. Try not to pass on an incline.

The Eisenhower/Johnson Tunnel is at the Continental Divide, the “top” of the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of 11,112 feet above sea level. BE PREPARED as you start to exit the tunnel. It’s like the green starting flag was just waived at the Indy 500 as everyone drives like a bat out of hell, downhill, jockeying for position. The actions of the more experienced I-70 drivers can be just as intimidating as the steep downgrade. Once you reach Silverthorne/Dillon, I recommend exiting at this time so you can pry your hands with white knuckles off the steering wheel and take a break until your heart rate returns to normal. You need to be very attentive at all times, making it strenuous. Don’t let those runaway truck ramps intimidate you, but understand they are there for a reason, and yes, they do get used!

driving I-70 Colorado - from Denver to Grand Junction chain up area

We chuckled the first time we saw the “chain up” signs and the pull-offs for the truckers.

There’s another high pass around Vail. So, when you descend after Denver, that’s not the end. You will go up and over Vail pass and it can get a bit chaotic then too with other people speeding in the left lane, making it hard to pass and drive at a good pace for you. Always be watching the traffic around you. Cars come up behind you, out of nowhere, and vehicles you’re following suddenly move into the passing lane leaving you unknowingly racing up on a slow-moving semi.

It gets easier after Vail. Near the town of Eagle, the mountains open up and there feels like more room. Then you approach Glenwood Canyon, the most expensive stretch of interstate ever constructed in the United States. You’ll enjoy going down and following the Colorado River as you look up at the canyon walls. Very pretty. Watch your speed through the canyon as there are sharp turns where you need to slow down quickly.

I-70 Colorado

Driving near Glenwood Springs CO along the Colorado River

After all the ups and downs, curves and beautiful scenery, you come around this curve right before Palisade and it will begin to open up into the Grand Valley. You’ll see vineyards and peach orchards along I-70, yes, those famous Palisade Peaches (so juicy)! The Book Cliff mountain range will be on your right, they go all the way into Utah.

As you enter Palisade, you will get a better view of the world’s largest flattop mountain, the Grand Mesa. And to the southwest you will see the Colorado National Monument off in the distance. Grand Junction is surrounded by beautiful mountains with the city at 4,600+ feet above sea level.

Once you come out of the De Beque Canyon you are just 15 minutes to Grand Junction. There are a couple of exits to take. Horizon Drive is the most popular exit, check out the cool rotary with some metal wild horse sculptures in the middle. It’s right near the Grand Junction airport (small airport with 6 gates, but hardly ever busy!) Read about my GJT airport experience.

Once you complete your drive, keep drinking water. If you can, abstain from alcohol on your first night in town. Give yourself a chance to adjust to the higher altitude. If you get a headache, drink more water. And once you get out and explore the area, always wear sunscreen as you can burn your skin within 15 minutes when you come in the summer months.

Hopefully you find this information useful. Driving I-70 through the Rocky Mountains of Colorado is an experience you will never forget. Be safe. Plan ahead. Be prepared. Be patient. Be flexible. Have your passengers take lots of photos to show your friends!

I70 Colorado rest stop near Colorado River in Eagle, CO

Beautiful Rest Stop in Eagle on I70

Text/Call 612-306-9558 me with any questions you have about driving I-70 from Denver to Grand Junction CO or the Grand Valley in general.


Grand Junction Real Estate Expert
Connect with me on LinkedIn or send me an email.
Learn more about my experience and how I serve my clients 
© 2024 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR®. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.


Living in Grand Junction Experiment

Guest Post by Michelle Aspelin

Before Paul and I made a decision, we wanted to do a Living in Grand Junction Experiment. We already had an idea of what living in Grand Junction might be like, but we wanted to really test it out first before we decided. Our daughter started attending college at Colorado Mesa University (CMU) in the fall of 2019. We had visited the area two times before we drove here from Minnesota to move her into her dorm room.

We visited her in October 2019 for Parents Weekend. After she had returned to class, we were sitting outside of the CMU library with our bagels and drinks from the café inside. It was a warm fall day with the sun warming us at our outdoor table. Paul said, “I could see us living here after we retire.” We were surprised at the thought as we were only in our late 40’s. With that thought in the back of our minds, we continued on with our life in Minnesota.

Maybe Arizona?

GO Always Take the Scenic Route signIn the fall of 2021, we drove our second daughter to Arizona to start her college experience. We realized that we didn’t need to hurry back to Minnesota after we got her settled. It was the start of being “empty nesters” for us. We made several stops in small towns on our way back to “check them out”. Might we live in Arizona? Visiting places like Sedona and Flagstaff were terrific. We didn’t realize Arizona had such a diverse environment. It’s not all hot desert in Arizona! We enjoyed the mountains too.

How about Southern Colorado?

On that same trip in 2021 we stopped in Grand Junction for a few days, giving it more consideration. When it was time to go, we drove south. Stopped in Delta, Montrose, Ridgway, and we were totally in awe of Ouray. Drove the Million Dollar Highway (whoa!) to Silverton. Stayed in Durango to give it some consideration. Then we continued east to Pagosa Springs and NE to Salida and through Denver. With each stop, pondering the question, “Could we live here?” Our online research continued. More visits to see our kids. And then we planned an experiment.

Living in Fruita Experiment

Parade of Lights in Fruita CO - Xcel Energy truck covered in lights

Parade of Lights in Fruita, CO

One year we drove to Moab, Utah for Thanksgiving with family and friends. We were there for several days and loved the experience. We went back again two years later but decided to extend the trip in order to do an experiment. Took the long way back from Moab via Gateway and on to Telluride, stunning mountain town. Took the free gondola up to see Mountain Village, magical! However, housing is ultra expensive! Then, we made it to Fruita, CO.

By this time, we had a better idea of what living in Grand Junction might be like, but what about Fruita? We rented a very cute 2BR/1BA home for 3 weeks, just a block off Aspen Avenue (the main street). We wanted to see what it would be like living in Fruita, Colorado. We shopped at the (very busy) grocery store. Found more great dining places. Experienced some downtown activities like the Parade of Lights in December. Went to the Visitor’s Center several times to learn more from the locals (always recommend this).

We drove into Grand Junction to see our daughter and visit more stores, dining and other places. During this trip we also drove on the other side of the Grand Mesa to consider Cedaredge and Paonia. We investigated Rifle and went to some of the wonderful parks there. Paul loved seeing them ice fishing in Rifle Gap State Park’s 350-acre reservoir!

During our Living in Fruita Experiment, we found we liked the charm of the small town of Fruita but kept driving to Grand Junction on a regular basis. They aren’t far apart, 15-20 minutes, depending on where you are going. But the experiment was useful. It helped us decide that we wanted to move to Grand Junction, not Fruita. If you have the opportunity, try an experiment like this in the city you might consider moving to. Act as if you already live there. See how it feels.

Researching Grand Junction and Mesa County

We continued to read articles and do research online. I used the “Find Places to Live” feature on to compare cities on a dozen different categories like cost of living, schools, jobs, crime, health care, night life, etc. FYI, Grand Junction is ranked the #2 place to live in Mesa County. We researched income taxes, property taxes (so low in Mesa County!), sales tax, government and civic entities, nonprofits, local businesses, and community involvement. We joined Facebook groups, followed business Facebook pages and made connections on LinkedIn.

It was time for a lifestyle change. We were young-ish, we didn’t retire when we moved to the Grand Valley. We started connecting with business professionals in the community when we visited. Our Living in Grand Junction Experiment was like we were “dating” Grand Junction. I can do my job from anywhere, I make websites and work from home. Paul easily transitioned his real estate career from Minnesota to Colorado and is loving it!

The Living in Grand Junction Experiment

While our experiment of living in Fruita, CO was a concise 3 weeks, our Living in Grand Junction Experiment was longer and more drawn out. Visiting several times, learning more, experiencing more, researching more, asking “What if…” oh so many times. We were thankful for our experiments.

When we weren’t visiting Colorado, we were preparing our home for sale. Doing updates and minor repair work, donating or selling most of our items, and mentally preparing ourselves for the cross-country move. You can read more on this website, like Paul’s post, Living in Grand Junction – What I learned in the First Three Months. If you are considering moving to Grand Junction, check out Paul’s post called Why Move to Grand Junction? It includes sections on the various housing types as well as a description of the area.

Hopefully you will be inspired to do an experiment of your own! Paul would be happy to show you around Mesa County and answer any questions you have about moving to Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade or anywhere within Mesa County. Paul Aspelin 612-306-9558 or send him a note on the Contact page.

Move to Grand Junction, we are waiting for you!

Guest Post by Michelle Aspelin
Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn

© 2024 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR® and Michelle Aspelin. Copyright protected. All Rights Reserved.

The Christi Reece Group’s Little Free Library in Grand Junction

The Christi Reece Group has taken a leap toward promoting literacy and community engagement. Introducing The Christi Reece Group’s Little Free Library right in front of our Grand Junction office! Take a book. Share a book. This exciting initiative stems from a passion for supporting local and a commitment to making a positive impact on the Grand Valley community.

We are located in the Las Colonias Park area near the Butterfly Pond, overlooking the zipline that crosses the Colorado River. A great place for a Little Free Library because it’s where people gather. Look for it by our parking area near the pond.

My wife, Michelle, and I have a connection with local libraries that started with our real estate brokerage in Minnesota. We established a strong relationship with local libraries and their respective friends’ groups. Michelle served on the Board of the Carver County Library Foundation and used her skills to volunteer to make a website for each Friends Group in Carver County, Minnesota.

Inspired by our library experiences, I knew we had to continue our partnership mentality with the Mesa County Libraries Foundation.

Little Free Library at The Christi Reece Group Office in Grand Junction, Colorado

Little Free Library at The Christi Reece Group

I approached Christi and the team with the idea of partnering with the Mesa County Libraries foundation and requested we install a Little Free Library at our office. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and thus, our Little Free Library found its new home in front of The Christi Reece Group office in Grand Junction. A new partnership was formed. Read my post about Mesa County Libraries and be sure to get your Library Card!

As real estate professionals, we understand the significance of helping individuals with their housing needs. That often involves packing up, decluttering, and donating items. We wanted to become a book drop-off site, encouraging residents in the Grand Valley to donate their books during the process of selling their homes. The entire team at The Christi Reece Group is dedicated to being the go-to resource for anyone looking to contribute to the community through book donations. I had one past client donate a collection of over 1,000 books to our local library. The Friends group was so thankful!

We’ve made the book donation process convenient for you. You can drop off your books at The Christi Reece Group office in Grand Junction during regular business hours. Or, we can arrange to pick up the books from your location. This ensures that our Little Free Library remains stocked and ready for readers to explore new literary adventures.

What sets this initiative apart is the commitment to recycling and promoting sustainability. Recognizing that many home sellers may overlook the value of donating books, The Christi Reece Group ensures that these books don’t end up in landfills. We will donate any extra books we get to the Friends of Mesa County Libraries. This helps support their weekend book sales that, in turn, generate funds to support local library cultural programming and equipment. It’s truly a win-win for everyone involved!

For those who choose to contribute, The Christi Reece Group goes the extra mile by providing a tax donation receipt from the Mesa County Libraries Foundation. This not only acknowledges the value of the donation but also provides a tangible benefit for those looking to support charitable causes.

Over the course of my real estate career, I’ve witnessed the impact of a library partnership, emphasizing the importance of encouraging individuals to donate books. This not only preserves literary treasures but also aligns with The Christi Reece Group’s commitment to making a positive difference in the community.

Little Free Library appWhether you have a handful of books or an extensive library, we welcome your contribution. (Please NO encyclopedias, textbooks or magazines.) Residents are encouraged to fill our CRG Little Free Library with their favorite reads while discovering new gems to take home and enjoy. “Take a Book. Share a Book.”

If you’re already living in Grand Junction or planning a visit, make sure to swing by The Christi Reece Group’s Little Free Library to find your next adventure. Find us on the Little Free Library app!

Stay updated on book drives, donation information, and community events by following The Christi Reece Group on Facebook. For those looking to arrange a book pick-up, reach out to Paul Aspelin directly at 612-306-9558 or contact the front desk at 970-589-7700.

I couldn’t be prouder to initiate The Christi Reece Group’s Little Free Library in Grand Junction to help foster community engagement, literacy promotion, and sustainability. By joining forces with the Mesa County Libraries Foundation, we have created a platform for residents to contribute to a more vibrant and connected community, one book at a time. Read my post about why I chose The Christi Reece Group.

Little Free Library in Grand Junction

Find us on the Little Free Library App on your mobile device!

The Christi Reece Group
1601 Riverfront Dr, Ste 103
Grand Junction, CO 81501

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Text/Call 612-306-9558

© 2024 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR®. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.


A world of adventure at the Grand Junction Library and 7 more locations in Mesa County

Guest Post by Ami Schiffbauer, Mesa County Libraries Development Director

Mesa County Libraries logo

Welcome to Grand Junction Colorado!

Anyone who’s moved to Grand Junction, Colorado from another part of the country knows that each place is unique. Public libraries across the country can vary significantly from one area to another. All libraries have books, of course, and many also offer audiobooks, DVDs, and video games to check out, too. Mesa County Libraries have all of these, but that’s only a small fraction of what’s available for free to Mesa County residents with their library card.

Library Card Holder Benefits

970West Studio Logo Mesa County Libraries

The 970West Studio, located at 5th and Ouray in Grand Junction, is a public multimedia production studio and Artist in Residence space.

In addition to the items mentioned above, library card holders can also check out board games, passes to local museums and parks (including the Colorado National Monument), and digital camera kits. The camera kits are offered through the library’s 970West Studio, a multimedia production studio where people can learn how to use digital recording equipment to create videos, edit digital photographs, and record podcasts. Right next to the studio, the library’s Discovery Garden offers an oasis of nature in downtown Grand Junction, a place where anyone can come to learn about different gardening techniques or just relax and enjoy the beauty of the garden, along with fresh produce in the summer and early fall.

Mesa County Libraries Programs and Online Resources

With eight branches around the county, Mesa County Libraries offer numerous programs each month for people of all ages to connect with one another, like storytime, Teen Time, local history talks, and book clubs. Programs are available whether you’re in Grand Junction or in a nearby town. You can also access an abundance of online materials from anywhere with an internet connection. That includes downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks, free streaming movies and TV on Kanopy and Hoopla, and national newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, among many other eResources. And if a patron wants an item that’s not in the Mesa County Libraries’ collection, it can usually be found through Marmot or Prospector, the regional and state-wide organizations that make it easy to get materials from other libraries delivered to your home library location.

Volunteer Opportunities

For new Mesa County residents who want to connect with their community, the library also offers several opportunities for volunteers throughout the year. This includes planting, weeding, and harvesting in the Discovery Garden, working with English learners and students preparing to take the GED through the Adult Learning Center, and helping in various capacities with our two large annual events, Comic Con and Culture Fest.

Friends of the Mesa County Libraries

Mesa County Libraries and Grand Junction Library

You get to choose the design of your Mesa County Library Card!

Volunteers are also welcome to join the Friends of MCL in their ongoing work of sorting and selling donated books to help support library programs throughout the year. The Friends are part of the Mesa County Libraries Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization created in 1994 to help support and expand library programs with donations, grants, and bequests.

Call Paul Aspelin at 612-306-9558 if you have books to donate to the Friends of Mesa County Libraries. He can pick up your donations.

Get Your Library Card

All you need to sign up for a Mesa County Library card is a photo ID and proof of a Mesa County address. Visitors to Mesa County are also welcome to stop by and use one of our many public computers or free Wi-Fi, attend library programs, check out local art created by community members and our current Artist in Residence, or just enjoy a comfortable space to read and relax. The library’s friendly and knowledgeable staff are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

We hope to see you soon!

Mesa County Library Locations – (Library Hours)

Grand Junction Library (Central Library)
443 N. 6th St. Grand Junction, CO 81501  970-243-4442

Clifton Branch
3270 D 1/2 Road Clifton, CO 81520  970-434-6936

Collbran Branch
111 Main St. Collbran, CO 81624  970-487-3545

De Beque Branch
730 Minter Ave. De Beque, CO 81630  970-283-8625

Fruita Branch
324 N. Coulson St. Fruita, CO 81521  970-858-7703

Gateway Branch
42700 Highway 141 Gateway, CO 81522  970-931-2428

Orchard Mesa Branch
230 E Lynwood St. Grand Junction, CO 81503  970-243-0181

Palisade Branch
119 W. 3rd St. Palisade, CO 81526  970-464-7557

© 2024 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR® and Ami Schiffbauer, Mesa County Libraries Development Director. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.

First, let’s talk in general about the Grand Junction airport (GJT). It opened in 1930 as Walker Field. It’s the largest on the western slope and the third largest in the state after Denver (DEN) and Colorado Springs (COS). You get a beautiful view sitting in the gate area because you can see the planes take-off and land with the Book Cliff Mountains in the backdrop. There are only 6 gates, so it’s cozy and you can hear all the flight announcements. Flights through GJT are not cheap, so do your research and book far in advance if you can.

Alternate Airports

To save money getting to Grand Junction, you can fly to Denver or Salt Lake City (each within about 4 hours) and drive to Grand Junction. However, when it comes time to fly back, I highly recommend you drive there one day and take a flight out the next day. Don’t drive and fly on the same day, especially to Denver as I-70 traffic is quite unpredictable any time of the year with accidents, avalanche closures, forest fires and mud slide closures. Yes, we’ve been delayed or diverted because of all these events. You can fly into Montrose (MTJ) sometimes for less, and that’s just about an hour south. They have on-site parking for departures and have recently expanded their terminal and services.

Grand Junction Airport (GJT) Top 10% in World

Grand Junction Regional Airport is one of only three airports in the U.S. to receive a five-star rating. Three U.S. airports in Hawaii received a five-star rating along with Salt Lake City, Utah; Boise, Idaho; and Grand Junction, Colorado. The star ratings range from one to five stars. Airlines and airports, in the top 10%, offer the best on-time performance to receive a five-star rating. Nearly 85% of Grand Junction Airport’s flights arrived and departed on-time.

In addition to the on-time performance, Grand Junction Regional Airport ranked number eight among North America’s small airports in “Turnaround Kings”. This rating accredits airports that receive late arrivals and turn the aircraft around for an on-time departure.

Grand Junction Airport

Photo taken on one of our flights leaving GJT.

Airlines serving Grand Junction Airport

Allegiant Airlines, American Airlines, Breeze (new in 2023/2024), and United Airlines. These carriers can bring you to Grand Junction from the following major cities for connecting flights: Denver (DEN), Dallas/Fort Worth (SFW), Phoenix (PHX), Los Angeles (LAX), and Las Vegas (LAS). Breeze is adding new flights to San Francisco (SFO) in May 2024 and now flies to John Wayne Orange County/Santa Ana (SNA).

Food, Drinks and Gifts at Grand Junction Airport

For your departure from GJT, there is a grill and concessions available at the airport. You can order a meal to be prepared fresh or grab a premade sandwich, get your coffee, or other food items. There’s a gift shop if you need postcards to send to your loved ones or a magazine or book for the flight. Or, plan ahead and get a free book from the Friends of the Library books for sale at the Grand Junction Library. Typical Grand Junction souvenirs and gifts as well as snacks for on the plane. Plus, right in the gate area is a full-service bar serving passengers 21 and older.

Parking at the Airport

Here’s the link to parking at the Grand Junction airport so you have the most up-to-date rates and availability. Did you know that you can park in the lot for up to 20 minutes for FREE? As of this writing (January 2024) parking is just $12 a day. Now they don’t offer covered parking, just an open lot, but that’s reasonable considering what you’d pay to park at a large international airport. Departures from the Grand Junction airport are very convenient.

Grand Junction Airport Welcome Sign

Welcome sign as you exit the Grand Junction airport

Easy Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Every time we have picked up friends or relatives at the airport, there hasn’t been more than 5 cars out front at the curb. It’s very easy to get up close to the doors for arrivals or departures. I know the standard is to arrive 2 hours before your flight for check-in, but when flying out of the Grand Junction airport, you probably can get by with arriving 1-1.5 hours ahead of time. There’s just one security checkpoint, one conveyor to scan your bags. The line moves fast, unless the TSA agent gets chatty, then it takes longer.

Budget Car Rental in Grand Junction, CO

There are several options for ground transportation when you arrive at the Grand Junction airport. You can rent a car from companies like Alamo, Avis, Enterprise, Hertz or National. You can choose to take a bus to your destination via Grand Valley Transit or Bustang (transportation throughout Colorado). There are special shuttles to other areas in western Colorado like Aspen, Telluride and to Moab, Utah. Check out all the ground transportation options. And, of course, there are other options for budget car rental in Grand Junction like renting someone’s personal vehicle using an app like Turo. Since Grand Junction is a small community, it’s easy to ask a friend or neighbor to give you a ride to the airport or pick you up. It shouldn’t take them more than 10-20 minutes to get to the airport, and there most likely won’t be any traffic to slow them down like other larger congested cities.

Ready to Go?

Read my post Two Day Itinerary for Grand Junction Visit or Top Day Trips from Grand Junction – see you soon!

Living in Grand Junction

We’ve flown into both Salt Lake City and Denver and driven the rest of the way to Grand Junction. And many times, we have taken a flight right into the Grand Junction airport. Our daughter flew out of Montrose once to Detroit (via Chicago) because it offered a much lower rate than flying out of Grand Junction. We appreciate the convenient service of a small local airport and are thankful it’s here. It has everything you need as a traveler and not much more! We love living in Grand Junction.

If you are planning a trip to Grand Junction, please let me know. I’d love to show you around the area if this is your first visit. As a licensed REALTOR® in Colorado, I can even show you some properties during your visit to Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade and our surrounding communities in Mesa County if you are considering living in Grand Junction. Check out my post with the average monthly temperatures in Grand Junction.

I’ve been in real estate since 2001 and would love to help you buy a property in Grand Junction! Read what I learned in the first three months of living in Grand Junction.

Let me help you… Move to Grand Junction!

We’ve been waiting for you!

Text/Call 612-306-9558 with your questions.

Paul Aspelin, Realtor®

© 2024 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR® Copyright protected. All Rights Reserved. Licensed in Colorado.

Winter Weather in Grand Junction

Retirement Weather Expectations Redefined When You live in Grand Junction

When considering a retirement destination, people often focus on housing, proximity to family, cost of living, access to healthcare, quality of life, state tax rates, winter weather, and even job opportunities. However, the one aspect that often tops the retirement location list is mild winter weather. Regardless of your personal reasoning, I urge you to explore why the winter weather in Grand Junction stands out as an ideal location for retirement.

Winter Weather in Grand Junction

For many retirees, the idea of escaping harsh winter conditions is a key factor in choosing a new home. Grand Junction, nestled in the heart of the Grand Valley, boasts winters that are mild in temperature and snowfall compared to other parts of the country. Unlike regions with challenging winters, the Grand Valley provides a comfortable climate that enhances your retirement experience. Read my post about Grand Junction Weather.

Cold Weather States

In colder weather states, there’s an unspoken expectation that retirees are required to only head to warmer destinations, like Florida or Arizona, to escape winter’s grip. However, Grand Junction challenges this norm. The decision to retire here isn’t solely about avoiding winter; it’s about embracing a balanced lifestyle and experiencing all four seasons. The Grand Valley offers something unique—a place where you can enjoy the benefits of winter without the extremes found in other cold-weather regions. You don’t have to give up winter altogether.

Grand Junction Parade of Lights

Grand Junction Parade of Lights

Enjoy the Change of Seasons

I was well aware of the mild winters before moving to Grand Junction. It wasn’t until I made the move to Grand Junction that I realized how much I still appreciate the joy of experiencing distinct seasons. Having lived through the brutal winters of Minnesota, I developed a genuine love for the season and winter activities, just not 6-8 months of it!

Retirement in Grand Junction means you can still enjoy the enchantment of snow-covered landscapes and the seasonal activities that winter provides. With ice fishing being a part of my DNA, a quick trip to the Grand Mesa can easily fulfill my desire to be outdoors on “hard water” as we called it in Minnesota.

You can embrace a half day of skiing at Powderhorn Mountain Resort in the morning and an afternoon round of golf at the Redlands Mesa Golf Course in the same day. If that sounds like a great day, then Grand Junction is right for you.

We have enjoyed the Fruita Parade of Lights and the Grand Junction Parade of Lights without freezing. In fact, I recommend the extremely chocolatey Polar Express hot chocolate from Main Street Bagels, only available the day of the Grand Junction Parade of Lights.

Sunshine Year Round

One of the standout features of Grand Junction is the abundance of sunshine throughout the year. I believe the stat is 300+ days of sunshine? Unlike the gloomy winters experienced in some states, the Grand Valley enjoys a remarkable amount of sunshine. No more seasonal depression brought on by cloudy grey skies here. Yay Colorado desert!

Warm But Not Too Hot

You might consider New Mexico, Nevada, or Arizona as your warm weather destination. But those places can be really hot! Almost unbearably so. I had a friend move from Minnesota to AZ with her husband after she retired. Every summer she spent indoors to be in the air conditioning. Similar to when Minnesota residents “hibernate” until spring. It was too hot for her to enjoy Arizona year-round. She ended up moving back to Minnesota.

It gets warm in Grand Junction but not so hot that you can’t enjoy the summer outdoors. Yes, you have to keep yourself hydrated and be aware of how you feel if you go up in the higher elevations (read my post about Avoiding Altitude Sickness). But it’s a “dry heat”. Read what it means to be in the Colorado desert on my Grand Junction Weather post. We don’t have the high humidity like the southeastern United States.

Redefining Retirement Expectations

Grand Junction, with its mild winters, abundant sunshine, and a perfect balance of seasons, challenges the traditional notion of needing a warm destination for retirement. If you’re ready to redefine your retirement expectations and embrace a diverse and enjoyable lifestyle, consider living in Grand Junction as your next home.

The Grand Valley has something to offer everyone, making it a truly special place to begin this new chapter of your life. Please connect with me early in your destination search and allow me to show you all the Grand Valley can offer.

Read my posts about the many reasons to choose Fruita, Grand Junction or Palisade. I can help you find just the right property in Mesa County.

Let me help you, Move to Grand Junction!

We’ve been waiting for you!

Text/Call 612-306-9558 with your questions.

Paul Aspelin, REALTOR®

In November, we rented a Polaris RZR ATV and got to ride on trails all day in Moab, UT. We went to Uranium Arch and other great spots. A fantastic winter activity with family and friends! It was a little muddy the day we went because it had just snowed, but it was so beautiful!

© 2023 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR® Copyright protected. All Rights Reserved.

Uranium Arch in Moab, UT

Moab ATV Riding

Grand Junction Weather Summary by Month

So, what is the Grand Junction Weather like you ask? Read this monthly summary before you travel to the area for a visit or make your move to Grand Junction. When it comes to packing your clothes, layers work best here in every season.

Choosing to live in the high desert of the Grand Valley in Colorado offers a unique and appealing lifestyle for various reasons. The term “high desert” refers to an arid region that is elevated in altitude. In the case of the Grand Valley, it encompasses Fruita, Grand Junction, Palisade, and its surroundings in Mesa County.

One compelling reason to live in the high desert is the climate. The Grand Valley experiences over 300 days of sunshine annually, coupled with low humidity. This results in a dry climate, making the region ideal for those who appreciate brilliant clear blue skies and a distinct four-season climate. The dry air also contributes to the stunning landscapes, with the Book Cliffs, Colorado National Monument, and the Grand Mesa providing breathtaking views.


Spring flowers in the desert. Photo Credit: Emma Aspelin

Winter and Early Spring Weather

Grand Junction, CO boasts a diverse climate, with each month offering a unique weather experience. In January, temperatures range from an average high of 38°F to a low of 18°F, providing a crisp winter atmosphere. February sees a slight uptick, with highs around 45°F and lows near 24°F, hinting at the imminent arrival of spring. Relief is on its way already!

Spring Weather

As March unfolds, Grand Junction experiences a pleasant transition, with average highs reaching 56°F and lows hovering at 31°F. The arrival of spring brings a burst of vibrant colors as early spring flowers, such as tulips and daffodils, bloom. Typically, these delightful blossoms begin to emerge in late March to early April, adding a picturesque touch to the landscape.

Spring fully emerges in April, painting the landscape with vibrant blooms from more plants, as temperatures climb to an average high of 66°F and a low of 38°F. Making it a great time to hike! May showcases the region at its best, boasting comfortable highs of 76°F and lows of 47°F.

Hiking and biking in the Grand Valley is a wonderful experience in the springtime, but avoid the trails if the are wet. Riding on a wet trail will form ruts when it dries, making it extra bumpy for riders until the next rain, which is infrequent.

Fall on the Grand Mesa

Fall on the Grand Mesa

Summer Weather

With the arrival of summer in June, Grand Junction basks in warm temperatures, with an average high of 89°F and a low of 57°F. July, the peak of summer, offers the warmest weather, featuring highs around 94°F and lows near 63°F. August maintains the summer heat, with temperatures ranging from an average high of 92°F to a low of 61°F. But don’t worry, humidity is low, so heat isn’t so bad. Keep drinking water.

Palisade is renowned for its wineries and vineyards, taking advantage of the unique Colorado desert. The warm days and cool nights are loved by the grapes, peaches, apples, and other plants in the area.

Fall Weather

As fall unfolds in September, Grand Junction weather experiences a pleasant cooldown, with average highs at 82°F and lows at 51°F. Leaves start to turn up on the Grand Mesa. October ushers in the beauty of autumn, showcasing highs of 68°F and lows of 39°F. Leaves start to turn color in the Grand Valley, it’s beautiful. Roses still bloom in late October! November sees a gradual shift to winter, with average highs dropping to 51°F and lows reaching 28°F. Very manageable.

Ice Fishing Riffle Gap State Park in December

Ice Fishing Riffle Gap State Park in December

In December, Grand Junction embraces winter’s chill, with average highs at 40°F and lows at 20°F. But it’s not too cold to enjoy the seasonal Parade of Lights in Fruita and Grand Junction. We saw these people ice fishing in Riffle Gap State Park in December!

Grand Junction weather highlights the city’s diverse climate, making it an ideal destination to live year-round. Get today’s forecast from the locals at KKCO First Alert Weather.

Overall, living in the Colorado desert of the Grand Valley combines a distinctive climate, stunning landscapes, outdoor recreation, making it an appealing choice for residents seeking a unique and enriching living experience.

Learn More

Thinking about moving to Fruita, Palisade, and Grand Junction Colorado? Find out what makes each city unique. Let me know if I can help with your search for the best property in Mesa County to meet your needs! We are waiting for you!

Call or text me with your questions! 612-306-9558

P.S. If you ever want to go ice fishing, give me a shout! I’m always looking for a friend to fish with.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Paul Aspelin, REALTOR®

© 2023 Paul Aspelin, REALTOR® Copyright protected. All Rights Reserved.